5 Ways To Stay Inspired At A Job You Really Hate

Being stuck in a job you hate is the worst. It can really crush your spirits and make you feel less than at times. But before you go quitting all willy nilly, you can still stay at your job and gather some inspiration along the way until you’re ready to give it the heave ho.

Here are some ways you can stay inspired at a job you really hate.

1. Take a walk around your neighborhood

There’s no better way to rejuvenate your spirits than getting outside of your office. This is, hands down, the best way to blow off steam. Not only do you get your blood flowing from sitting down all day, but you get to take in the sights around you. Who knows the people you might bump into on your walk, or even notice some things you’ve never seen before. During my “cool downs,” I’ve discovered a public waterfall, a library, and a dog park — all great for thinking.

2. Have a convo someone in your office you never spoke with before

You walk by the same people everyday, but never exchange names if they work outside of your department. How bout you strike up a conversation the next time you’re in the kitchen grabbing your morning coffee? Your coworkers have unknown talents that you wouldn’t have even thought of! Perfect inspiration from trying something new, which leads us to…

3. Start that side hustle you always wanted to

You always wanted to sell the clothes you fabulously make? Do it. You throw the most awesome dinner parties for your friends and they always ask you to help plan theirs? Next time, charge. If you’re good at something, now’s the time. You can work your day job and focus on your hustle during off-hours, so you can collect all of the coins you can until you turn your hustle into your main.

4. Lend a hand

Nothing will make you appreciate something more than volunteering. Helping out to plant community gardens, feed the homeless, or spend time with the elderly won’t make you forget about how much you hate your current job, but it should definitely jump start your thinking towards new opportunities. Ic could even lead you to a new passion. If you’re unsure of volunteer opportunities, try Idealist.

5. Email someone you admire

Be courageous! If you’ve been following someone’s career for a while, and you admire what they do, tell them! They will appreciate it so much, and might even offer some words of wisdom. And, trust me, it will make you feel just as good to press ‘send’ and get going towards bigger and better things!

What are some ways you stay inspired?

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