Join best selling author, and lifestyle blogger Ty Alexander as she explores strategies and ideas for becoming your best self. This podcast will inspire you to take life by the horns and enjoy the ride despite your traumas or circumstances. Sharing the most intimate parts of herself with you… this is Self Care IRL, a podcast by Ty Alexander.
A Guide to Real Connection: 8 Ways to Check In Without Being Weird
Whether you're the friend everyone runs to with their drama, or you've got that friend who's everybody's backbone, this episode is for you.
My best advice for not crashing out during the holidays
In today's episode you and I are going to discuss some practical strategies to help you stay grounded and actually enjoy this special time of year.
A Brutally Honest Guide For People Who Feel Like They're Faking It
You know I've confessed to my self-sabotaging ways and I always share some practical ways I maintain my sanity so I figured I'd drop a few gems that have been keeping me afloat.
Why Being Nice Is Not Your Superpower
Today, we're going to have a real conversation about breaking free from these patterns that our mothers and grandmothers before us struggled with too.
Click here if you're always the one apologizing in your friendships
Today's episode is all about knowing when to fight for a friendship and when to love yourself enough to walk away.
High-Maintenance vs. Low-Maintenance Friendships: What’s the Difference?
Let’s dive into what makes a friendship high-maintenance versus low-maintenance, and how you can navigate both in a way that keeps your friendships thriving.