How One Amtrak Ride Lit the Fire Under My Creativity

You beauties know that self-care is not just a trendy moment for me, it’s essential for my mental wellness. I’ve been to therapy, especially during traumatic emergencies, but I firmly believe that you should be able to practice (in real life) what you’ve learned in your counseling sessions (#SelfCareIRL). And even more importantly, I like to keep that therapy bill low…like nonexistent low!

Lately, I’ve been in a space where I know that I need to do things differently and I know that it’s time to think bigger for my brand and personal goals. But I’ll be honest with you, I’m terrified and I just can’t seem to find the clarity I need to make decisions on my next move. So much so my sleeping schedule and my eating habits have been completely off. That’s when I knew it’s time for me to take action and unplug to search for some answers. I decided that a quick overnight trip to New York would be the reset button I was looking for. It seemed fitting since that’s where my career started and I was looking to be recharged in life and reconnected to my purpose.

When I was planning my trip I thought about taking a plane to New York. But then I remembered how much planes get my anxiety flared up and that was the last thing I needed. Planes come with unorganized lines, people rushing to get to their assigned seats (never understood this), and all the fighting for overhead space for one stinking bag–nope, hard pass. Come to think of it, I will always choose Amtrak over any plane if I have the option to.

Amtrak is just the smarter and easier way to travel. The train to New York is just under 3 hours, there’s no road traffic (AYE), your first FOUR bags are free (y’all the big guy loves us!), there’s no dreadful middle seat, and the Wi-Fi is free! I also discovered their Red Cap service, #GameChanger. I had always seen the guys in red shirts walking about the Amtrak station but I foolishly assumed it was only for the elderly or disabled. To my surprise, it’s for everyone and it’s also based on a tipping service. They take you and your bags down before everyone else boards the train. I felt so rich and elite. My entire goal for 2018 has been made!

For this trip, I brought my good girlfriend, and fellow content creator, Tia along for the ride. If you’ve been following me on social media you already know that we’ve gotten really close in a short amount of time. I don’t think I’ve known her for a year yet. We met through mutual friends and our love (and damn near obsession) for creating dope content brought us together really quickly. She’s a budding photographer and I am her muse. Actually. I’m not sure if that last sentence is true but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Tia was also stoked about the no middle seat option on the Amtrak. Since we weren’t traveling during rush hour, the opportunity to potentially have a row to herself was a huge selling point for her when I asked if she could come with me. I adore traveling but all the hassles that come with it can be a turn-off. Sometimes you just want some room to relax and read your favorite magazine in peace. Amtrak is the perfect place for all of the above. The quiet car is clutch for anyone who just needs silence.

This trip was much needed and I had so much fun. We shopped for makeup together and totally overspent our monthly budget. We walked aimlessly around Times Square reminiscing about our days living in the city that never sleeps. It still never sleeps. We were out there until 3 am and we were not alone. I also learned that the restaurant Burger & Lobster was a favorite of both of ours. So we had to eat and drink there. It was a great time for us both to just be tourists without the pressure and anxiety New York can bring as a resident. We stayed near the Empire State building so our view was as elite and rich as it gets for New York. We both had never seen the tourist attraction so close up.

And to think, I originally thought to make it a solo trip. But there’s no real fun in that. I’ve created enough safe places in our home where I can have solitude while the hubs is at work. But I wanted this trip to signal a jumpstart of creativity for me, for us. I knew Tia would push me to take pics and create dope content while we were there (even though it was hot as hell). I also knew that our train ride wouldn’t be too much fuss. We talked when we felt like it and kept quiet when we wanted to.

On the way back we rode in Amtrak’s quiet car where I just sat and looked out the window. I wrote down all my new goals. I even reflected on the big huge things my mind told me I couldn’t do. I’ll be planning another trip soon. I feel like Canada would be a great train ride.

Disclosure: While this post is sponsored by Amtrak, you beauties know that all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make my blog possible!


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