FAQ: About My Grey Hair [VIDEO]

I am still surprised that after four years of blogging, and 40+ years of life, people still ask me if my hair is naturally grey. I’ll admit it’s an annoying question, but I’ve trained my lips to form the most gorgeous smile, and I simply politely answer…daily!

Yep, I wrote daily. People ask me about my hair every single day. So my recent YouTube video is about… (drumroll please) my hair. I am hoping that this video goes viral and everyone will know me and my grey hair!

What’s the likelihood of that? Ha!

Good thing you’re watching! Now you can spread that word on all of the FAQ about my hair.




Buy or Nah: Elizabeth Arden Moisturizing Lipsticks Review [VIDEO]


Umm OMG, I Did My 1st TV Segment & It Wasn't As Bad As I Thought!