11 Feminist Quotes That Will Make You Want To Burn Your Bra (But Please Don’t)

If you haven’t noticed, we are in the midst of one of the greatest movements of our time. What movement is that some of you might ask?  The answer is the Feminist movement (cue Beyonce’ Flawless)!

A feminist is any person who supports feminism. Feminism, the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. I think that Cheris Kramarae defined it best when she said,

“Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.”

More and more, women are allowing their estrogen to rock the world in areas that our male counterparts have dominated for years. We have dismissed the idea that women are to be seen and not heard; we know that our voice needs to be heard and hear it you will.

We may have different platforms, different views, and different approaches; but women are running the world (cue Beyonce’…again). We could care less about who society says we should be because we know exactly who we are. Yeah, some men (and maybe a few women) think that our strength and boldness make us a bitch but who cares.

Now I am not trying to get you to burn your bras (because you know I hate saggy boobs) but I do want to help ignite a fire in you. For you beauties who need a little inspiration, allow me to share a few of my favorite feminist quotes.

A true feminist knows she represents all of us!

A feminist is fully aware of who she is despite the thoughts of others.

A feminist gives her opinion despite what others think.

A true feminist has a great love and appreciation for other women, no homo (maybe).

Feminist are passionate and ambitious about damn near everything.

If creating results get a feminist labeled a bitch…So. Be. It!

As a feminist, we hear the stereotypes… and go against them.

Queens always knows greatness is near no matter how things look.

Feminist are not afraid to be seen and heard.

Feminist motto: No woman left behind.

No weak men allowed! Feminist require strong secure men.

Do you feel it?  Are you ready to out and use your girl power to take over the world?

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