5 Habits to Hold Onto Post-Pandemic

As vaccines are rolling out, life as we knew it seems to be just around the corner. For some, that might be a point of anxiety. We’ve been out of those old routines for over a year. Whether you’re anxious about going back to in-person work or being in a large group gathering for the first time since the pandemic started, there will be a lot to adjust to. And maybe you’re in a rush to get back to the way things were and are diving in full force, eager to hug everyone you see.

No matter what your perspective is, I’m sure we can all agree that this time has been hard and we’d love to leave it behind. But there are some crucial habits you should be holding onto when normal life resumes.

1. Chasing hobbies

How many of you picked up a quarantine hobby? Obvi, deejaying is my quarantine baby.

But what did you do to fill the empty time you had. If you found hobbies that you enjoy, hold onto them for dear life. We should be chasing those joyful moments in life.

Whether you got into making your own bread or your own music, make sure you save space in your life to continue those hobbies. Don’t let them slip through the cracks when normal life picks up again and tries to steal all of your time away. Make time for the things that make you happy. Also. Never lose the fire in you that tells you to try new things and have fun.

2. being considerate

For a lot of people, 2020 was a way to really show up for others. It was so encouraging to hear small acts of kindness like people getting the groceries for a neighbor who is immunocompromised or focusing on supporting small local businesses in whatever way you could. People came together to clap for essential healthcare workers and protest for the things that really matter. But the ultimate act of kindness was simply wearing your mask— a simple way of showing to the people around you that you care about their wellbeing.

3. embracing simplicity

You don’t have to spend every weekend doing nothing because let’s be honest, that got old. But maybe give yourself the permission to have a relaxing weekend every once in a while. You don’t have to always be doing something. And don’t be afraid to simplify certain areas of your life if you grew to like them. If you started to really enjoy going for walks with friends because it felt like all you could do… keep doing it! Get together with friends just to talk if you want because again— you don’t have to always be doing something.

4. making your home feel like home

If you were always out and about back in normal times, maybe your home just felt like a place to store your things and crash at night. Once you get stuck inside for a year, you start to realize how important it is to feel comfortable and happy in your home. And money can’t buy happiness, but choosing to invest your money into items for your home CAN make you happy. Even when life picks back up again, the space you live in has the power to make you feel cozy and happy. You deserve those feelings, even if your time spent at home becomes more fleeting as you adventure back out into the world.

5. taking care of yourself

Did the stillness of quarantine bring up some thoughts or feelings you had been avoiding? Certain things might be easy to avoid when you’re running through life at a mile a minute, but they float to the surface when you’re forced to slow down. Maybe you addressed these feelings by starting your therapy journey or starting to make journaling a regular habit. Hold onto those. Make therapy a regularly scheduled thing. Start journaling daily— even if just for a few minutes every morning. Carve out the space for you to be in touch with your thoughts and feelings even when life gets busy again. You should always be your priority.

What habits are you going to hold onto when normal life resumes? Share on social media and tag me @tyalexander on Instagram and @lovetyalexander on Twitter.

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