Why Does Grey Hair Turn Yellow + 4 Home Remedies To Remove That Yellow Tinge From Your Hair

Everyone thinks that having natural grey hair is so freaking cool. But no one talks about that moment you go to curl your hair and you notice that you’ve put a little too much heat on your hair and now you’re staring at dingy yellowish brown strands of hair. Yuck!

In some cases, medication, food, and health conditions can also turn your grey hair yellow from inside the hair shaft. Here’s a fun semi-useless fact: did you know that eating an abundance of carrots or other foods that are high in carotene, an orange compound, can make skin and hair yellowish? The water that you use to wash your hair could have a high iron content and could be causing your grey hair to be yellow. And if you’re a smoker or a swimmer, you are doomed!

Because NO ONE wants to be #TeamYellow, here are a few tips to remove that yellow tinge from your grey hair.

4 Home Remedies To Remove Yellow from Grey Hair

  • Vinegar: Make a rinse from a small amount of vinegar and water (1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar to 1 gallon of water) to remove yellow from your hair. Make sure you rinse thoroughly to remove all of the vinegar. After the vinegar rinse, you may condition your hair as usual with a conditioner that does not yellow your hair.

  • Infusion of Betony: Make a “tea” (infusion) of purple Betony flowers with hot water. Let the flowers steep in the water until the desired color is obtained. The more concentrated the infusion, the stronger the purple color.

  • Infusion of Hollyhocks: Make a “tea” (infusion) of purple Hollyhock flowers with hot water. Let the flowers steep in the water until the desired color is obtained. The more concentrated the infusion, the stronger the purple color.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide mix: I got this recipe from L’Oreal hairstylist, Johnny Lavoy years ago and I’ve been hooked. I swear it works.

Products you can purchase

There are a handful of hair-coloring products that are designed to remove yellow from gray hair. Shop a few of the most common ones below.


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