7 Sources Of Inspiration For Artist In A Creative Funk

For many people, they’ve been planning and setting goals for the New Year since the Summer or early Fall. Now, things are in full swing; new ideas, new goals, and creative juices are at a high, the question is, how long will it last?

Ask any artist (writer, painter, designer…) and they will tell you that just as they have periods in time where they are drowning in creative juices, they have times of drought. That’s just the nature of the beast, when you’re hot you’re really hot and when you’re not, you’re damn near ice-cold.

Being in a creative funk can be depressing for any artist but for an artist who is dependent on their creativity for those coins, being in a creative funk is double trouble. I’ve been there several times most of us have, and I can honestly say that it is hard. Sitting in your creative space drawing nothing but blanks or knowing that you are capable of greatness but producing what you know is mediocre; it’s enough to make you pull your hair out (and some artists have done much worse).

It’s imperative for an artist to constantly draw inspiration from sources that will allow them to give birth to more creativity. There are indeed many resources when it comes to garnering inspiration, it all just depends on what the artist can pull from their experiences. Since I am all too familiar with being in a creative funk, I think its only right that I share with my fellow artist ways I draw inspiration.

First things first… Step Back!

Everyday people.

Sometimes finding inspiration can be just as simple as leaving your house and going into a heavily populated area where there is a diverse group of people, like the park. Or chilling with the homie on a yacht. Not quite every day; but wave at them on the shore, LOL.


For some (me included) music feeds the soul and gets their creative juices flowing. Beyonce is the ultimate motivator. A good lip sync battle with yourself in the mirror always sparks new and genius-like ideas.


Often times absorbing another culture can be a great way to find something that will inspire you to give birth to the next big thing. Take notes, observe, and come back with a new vision to create.


We all know that reading is fundamental but it can also be the fuel that your flickering flame needs to become a full-blown fire. Reading has always been the main source of inspiration for me.


There are times when you have to escape reality to appreciate it. And nothing is more capable of helping you with this than a good movie. If I were you, I would let my hair down and enjoy a good comedy.


I am not encouraging you to mimic or steal ideas, but many times you can become inspired by a fellow artist. Yes, seeing someone in their element giving birth to some dopeness may be just what you need.

Relax, Relate, Release

More often than not, finding inspiration can be as simple as finding peace. We may find ourselves in a creative funk because we are in a personal funk. Other times we dry up our creative juices by overworking ourselves because we want things to be perfect. Note: Life happens to all of us, respect the order, and just chill the eff out.

Now that I have shared with you, share with me. What do you do to get yourself out of a creative funk? Chime in beauties.


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