4 Things You Can Do Now To Enhance Your Life

Here’s the thing about milestones… they are freaking awesome! Milestones are what we all should be using to gauge how far we’ve come. Sorta like a life journal of our biggest accomplishments, they’re exactly what living your best life is all about. From graduating college after ten years to giving birth to your first-born–milestones are at the center of us all.

For me, blogging is a testament to what my dreams can be. I’ve used blogging to get my current job as a style and beauty editor, secured major brand opportunities, and to meet fabulous people! Through blogging, I’ve learned some pretty magnificent you-must-write-this-down-now lessons that probably will make it in my book (yes, I am writing a book)!

Here are four things you can do now to enhance your life and create more milestones, which ultimately will lead to a higher level of happiness for you!

1. Patience my dear!

When I first started my blog I had not one single clue what I was doing. It was right when blogging had just taken off and became this beast. Bloggers like Bryan Boy and Susie Bubble were getting a lot of notice and backlash from journalists. There were no “how to be a better blogger” posts out there for me to reference. But what I’ve learned over the years has been priceless. Consistency and a great voice will get you far in this world. I remember thinking “OMGEEZY, no one is reading my blog, ugh.” One of my first posts compared to McQueen and Christian Siriano. Finally, people were interested in what I had to say and chimed in too.


2. Jump and he will catch you!

I am the spokesperson for what having faith really means. And I never really thought that I’d be able to say that. Somewhere along my journey, I had gotten really pissed at myself. I’ll admit it came from watching other bloggers get opportunities while I slaved away at my 9 to 5 (sometimes 7 or 8). Watching via twitter as other bloggers schmoozed with celebrities and my favorite brands while I was stuck in Baltimore waiting for something to fall on my lap. Here’s the thing… opportunities are created! Period. So I moved to New York with no plans of looking back.

Goodbye Baltimore, Hello New Yawk City: The Story of My Dreams

3. Remove the word I think and replace it with I BELIEVE.

As soon as I got to New York, I instantly kicked my life into hustle hard gear. I went to every party I got wind of and followed up with a “Let’s get a cocktail” email to everyone I met there. I referred to myself as a style and beauty editor before I was officially one. I mean that is what I was doing here, right. Finally, people began to notice me and the content I was able to create. And then I was onThe Today Show!

I thought I was a model that day! Hair & makeup will do that to you.

4. Work hard, you will be rewarded!

I totally thought that I would be the Samuel L. Jackson of blogging. You know, the chick that everyone knew and watched but never received any awards for her progression. Well, that all changed last month. I was so geeked and obviously surprised to win Blogger Of The Year from Full Figured Fashion Week. And then just a few weeks later I am featured in Black Enterprise’s Black Blogger Month series.

I won’t self-degrade myself by saying that it’s because I met a lot of people or that I’m just lucky. I’m taking all of the credit and I will brag a bit (per my co-workers). I worked my ass off these past few years and yep… people see me!

So I know I am not the only one out here making moves, memories, and milestones! Share your links in my comments section below.

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