How to Thrive During Your First Year of Marriage

I cannot believe we’ve been married for 9 months. Even though husbae and I had been together for nearly 2 decades marriage is a different beast. You’ve got these new “forever” roles and now it’s time to define them. Problem is, some (most) couples wait until it’s too late to create those definitions. Now you’re 8 years into your marriage wondering what went wrong. Why your husband won’t pick up his clothes off the floor or why your wife never cooks dinner? Definitions save the world. That’s your first tip. My second tip…

Go off into the world & explore it… together

Do that often. I can’t tell you how often he says let’s go XYZ. Two weeks ago we traveled to Westminster, MD (I think that’s where I was) to watch hot air balloons float aimlessly in the air. By aimlessly I mean some people blew the balloons up with hot air and they sat still while we gazed at them. Getting up and going is his thing and I oblige most of the time. I try to remember that work will be there when I get back. There’s nothing worse than always hearing no, especially from your wife. I also know that…

Sometimes he wants to be swept away too.

So I got a car loan for the weekend and told him we were driving to Ocean City for the day. Shout out to Mitsubishi for planting the new car seed in my husbae too. The 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander was just the right size with a lot of kick.

We spent two hours in the car singing to songs (read: I mostly hum because I don’t know any words to any songs). We’re Marylanders so we had to stop for crabs. We stuffed our faces with about 50 steamed crabs. Actually, I think he ate about 40 and I ate about 10.

Then we spent about 30 minutes playing with the backup camera on the Mitsubishi Outlander. I haven’t had a new car in decades so I am fascinated by all this technology. Parking is a breeze with this camera and I know believe this feature should be mandatory. It’s literally parking for dummies. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I cannot park. Le sigh!

We saw a go-kart place on the way so I made a u-turn and we raced a few games.

Remember to laugh and play with each other

And then, we realized we had to give this gem of a vehicle back so he loosely convinced me to take a picture on top of the truck. There’s a video of this struggle. I’m debating on if I should show it to you or not. But these are the things he gets me to do. Live in the moment.

Fly by the seat of my pants. Is that the saying? I dunno. I just know that once you say to yourself, “We’re gonna make this work,” you just do. These first nine months have been nothing short of amazing and I’m looking for to years of long car rides and even longer kisses.

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Disclosure: While this post is sponsored by Mitsubishi, you beauties know that all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make my blog possible!


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