The Truth About Celebrating Your Wins

If you’re a part of the Self Care IRL Members Community, you know I’m all about celebrating wins. Every week, we come together to celebrate our wins, big and small. It’s such an important practice and habit to get into, but there are some things you need to know first.

1. Not everyone will celebrate your wins— it’s on you

No matter how incredible your win is, the people in your life might not realize. You can’t wait for the approval or praise of others to celebrate what you know in your core is worth celebrating. Commit to celebrating yourself, even if it’s alone. If it’s a win that requires a party, plan a party yourself and invite your friends to celebrate that win with you. The inner work is the work that counts, but don’t be afraid to invite others into that celebration.

2. The small wins are important

Did you wake up today? Did you cross something off of your to do list? Did you drink enough water today? All of these are wins worth celebrating. Did you make it through the day without crying? Did you allow yourself to cry today? You get to measure what is a win for you.

3. The big wins are surprisingly easy to ignore— don’t

Sometimes we think of big wins as ‘all of a sudden’ moments like getting a new job, a surprise piece of good news, or completing a marathon. But sometimes the biggest wins are so big picture that they aren’t clear to you immediately. You have to really zoom out and reflect on where you were and where you are now to notice the pattern. Maybe you’ve seen growth in therapy or in your outlook on life. Those are wins— notice them and celebrate them.

What wins have you been celebrating? Share on social media and tag me @tyalexander on Instagram and @lovetyalexander on Twitter.

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