12 Things Every Freelancer Needs To Know (According To My Favorite Freelancers)

The life of a freelancer can be a struggle. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good kind of struggle. And while freelance life can be challenging, I try to constantly remind myself to be humble and grateful. When you’re building your empire and living out dreams those attributes will become key in your growth.

But as prepared as I thought I was, there were so many things that I didn’t think about until those things started choking the sh*t outta me, nearly suffocating and draining my creative juices. And I swear that’s not an exaggeration.

I’ve never been that girl who claims to know it all so I called on my blogger babes for help. Shout out to them for giving what I know to be the best “got damn” tips ever on what you (and me) should know about freelancing.

1. Stay ready to get your paper.

Always have an invoice at the ready, and be prepared to NOT receive payment at any given time. Christina Brown, LoveBrownSugar

2. You can’t pay bills with exposure.

Photo credit: Chuck Olu-Alabi

In the beginning, I didn’t yet understand the value of my words and my work. I didn’t realize that some of the brands who didn’t want to pay me what I was worth, were then using my image or words to add credibility and get sales for their products or publications. Even at this stage in the game, I sometimes wind up shortchanging myself when negotiating with big brands. Don’t be afraid to ask for your worth! Patrice Yursik, Afrobella

3. Freedom Comes At A Cost.

The best part about freelancing is the freedom. While everyone else is tied to their desk, I can take my Tuesday morning bootcamp class. But that means on Saturday night whenever everyone is coolin’ on a rooftop enjoying the gorgeous summer night, I may have to transcribe a story that’s due Monday. For anyone who wants to become a freelancer understand you trade security for freedom. Shenequa Golding, Vibe

4. You’ll be scared, but it’ll be worth it.

The financial security you have from a steady paycheck is something you’ll have to give up when going freelance – and it’s scary as sh-t. It can be stressful – not having a guaranteed source of income – you’ve got to hustle and pitch yourself and work harder than you may have when you worked full time. BUT if you love what you are doing, and are lucky enough to be able to be your own boss – it is every bit worth the struggle. Jinna Yang, Project Inspo

5. I’m never “not” working!

There aren’t really any “vacations.” You can travel and work anywhere which is a major perk, but you can travel and work anywhere. Danielle Gray, The Style & Beauty Doctor

6. The IRS will hunt you down!

Taxes! If you’re not getting taxes taken out of your paycheck, be prepared to pay a grip to Uncle Sam every year to make up for it. Jessica Andrews, The Glamazon’s Blog

7. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Time management is a beautiful thing. Always work ahead of the curve, you’d be surprised how much more free time you’ll have. Kellie Brown, And I Get Dressed

8. Only if it’s on the schedule.

I wish I would have known to create a schedule for myself in the beginning. Since a freelancer’s work schedule will always change with the wind, it’s important to create a constant personal schedule to keep yourself accountable to. This avoids burnout, long nights and a caffeine problem! For me, it’s dedicating time to tennis and/or kickboxing practice. It has helped so much with time management. Tineey, Tineey.com

9. What’s your goal today?

Freelancing requires REAL, quantifiable goals! One of my favorite quotes is “When you don’t have a goal, it’s difficult to score.” Creating a list of goals and checking them off as you achieve them is a great way to keep the momentum going. This helps you stay focused when all you want to do is watch both seasons of “Orange is The New Black”…again! Danielle Lewis, Blogger & makeup artist

10. You actually aren’t superwoman!

Know what you can do but don’t be afraid to ask for help with the things that you can’t do. I know you think you’re superwoman, but you’re not! You don’t know everything and you can’t do everything. Focus your attention on things that you are great at, and hire or swap services with someone for things that you aren’t. There is enough room out here for us to all win together and helping one another is essential. Tiffani from Breakfast With Tiffani

11. Focus on your focus

As a freelancer, you’re wearing a lot of hats at once and multitasking is sometimes a must. However, that can also slow you down, remember to focus and remove all distractions. Reward yourself with TV time or that funny Facebook video after you’ve gotten your stuff completed. It’s better to do one thing well than ten things poorly. Jaleesa Jaikaran, Makeup Artist

12. Automation is your friend

Make use of automation tools!! A freelancer’s time is already tied up enough, which is why it is all the more important to value every minute of your busy days. If you find yourselves getting the same inquiries and writing the exact same memo or emails repeatedly, it’s time to work smarter, not harder. Create specialized templates for your business and organize your life. Valerie Robinson /Mocha Health (formerly Unapologetically Us)

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