How Brooklyn Became My Motivator While I Grieved My Mother



The year is 2012 and I’m faced with one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. I’d just given my resignation to my job. I was prepping my mind (and my pockets) to pack up 2 suitcases and move to New York. But then life happened in a major way. My mom got really sick. Months had passed and she still wasn’t eating. We immediately knew something was wrong. After lots of visits to the hospital, a bunch of tests, and long tearful nights, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma.

I was devastated. But there was no way I could leave now. My dreams would have to wait. I just kept thinking I have to stay and help take care of her. But my mom urged, “Go chase your dreams, do it for me!”

So I did what most considered to be unthinkable.

I left.

My emotions were everywhere. My mother’s condition was getting worst and I was constantly being hit by the depression train. But instead of settling in that emo state, I let the excitement of New York fuel me.

When I first moved to New York I landed in Harlem. All my friends raved about “upper Manhattan”. And I did what most transplants in New York do — I couch-hopped. While Harlem has been dubbed as the Black Mecca and it’s wildly rich with culture and history it just didn’t feel like home for me. And I desperately needed to feel like I was home. So I headed to another couch in Brooklyn.

On my favorite block in Brooklyn!

Brooklyn made my heart sing. I fell completely in love with the borough.

I planted my feet firmly in Flatbush and made Brooklyn my home. When I think back to my early days it was the hustle of the city that kept me sane while I was grieving. I’ve never worked or played so hard. But that’s the Brooklyn way, son.

I swindled my way into a style and beauty editor career at Hello Beautiful and things began to take off. I say swindle because I had NO experience in writing or editing. All I had was this little blog. I texted my good girlfriend Danielle Young, who was a writer at Hello Beautiful. I asked her if they were hiring. And they were. But for a low-level crappy assistant job. It was work there for pennies or at Bloomingdales attacking people with stinky perfume as tried to zoom past. Also for pennies. I picked Hello Beautiful.

I worked all and day. Attended every event I could. Most were events our editor in chief didn’t want to be bothered with. But I knew if I hustled hard (like a Brooklynite) I could move my way up. I knew that if I networked my butt off other opportunities would present themselves. And they did. Being in Brooklyn helped me channel my inner hustler though. It was just the type of energy I needed during my time of grief.

This is why Spike Lee’s latest short film is so important. Uber Presents: Da Republic of Brooklyn follows the journey of five drivers as they chase down their dreams in New York’s biggest borough. It’s a project where I see myself. I did so much reflection as I watched the series. I remember living in Brooklyn and taking Uber home with my friends after events. Sharing not just the Uber bill but the experience and the hustle of the evening. I remember sharing an Uber with an HBO executive. I kept my cool for the sake of my hustle but on the inside, I was freaking out.

If you’re like me and you’re constantly looking for inspiration to keep your needle moving I urge you to check out Uber Presents: Da Republic of Brooklyn.

Disclosure: While this post is sponsored by Uber, you beauties know that all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make my blog possible!


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