What To Pack For A Trip To Ghana + What I forgot

What to pack for a trip to Ghana was an ongoing and overwhelming thought for me. Even though we got a list of things to bring from Hayet I still felt super unprepared. So I made a list of things I packed (and the things I forgot) because if you should find yourself in Ghana I want you to be more ready than I was!

1. Copies of your passport & VISA

This goes for traveling anywhere especially internationally. I always keep my documents on me, I have physical copies in my purses and luggage AND pictures on my phone. There’s nothing worst then being in another country with no identification. How you gettin’ back son? Also, be sure to register your trip with the US Embassy just in case.

2. Pills and Vaccinations

Most countries in Africa require some form of vaccination. For Ghana, the Yellow Fever shot is required. You can get it at the airport in Ghana but I’m not sure I trust it. Make sure you check before traveling what type of vaccinations are required and recommended. I went to Passport Health because the doctor had to order the shot which would take weeks. During my appointment, the nurse offered a few different shots and pills but I only opted in for the Yellow Fever shot and the Malaria pills. Malaria is a common disease in Africa and if untreated you could die. No one has time for death.

P.S. Don’t be like me, please remember to take your pills! 

3. Insect Repellant

I’m sure insect repellant is a no-brainer but these mosquitoes in Africa are not playing with y’all so you’re going to need something a little more potent. Before I left I sprayed all my clothes with Duration™ Permethrin 0.5% and for our hikes and night time fun I lathered up with Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion. I got bite maybe once and that was the first night we arrived when I forgot to lather up. Le sigh.

4. Comfortable shoes

This isn’t the trip to stunt on the kids. Comfort is key. Flip flops are also recommended. A lot homes in Ghana practice the idea of taking off your outside shoes, flips flops are just easy. They also make great shower shoes if you’re iffy about your feet in strange places. We also did a lot of walking and even went to Kakum National Park (you must add this to your trip) and walked across 3 death trap bridges. My sneakers definitely saved my life. 

5. Crossbody bag or Backpack

Be smart when traveling to other countries. It’s not so much that it isn’t safe but natives prey on dumb tourists, especially dumb American tourists. So bring a crossbody bag, keep it close to you and keep it closed. Keep small bills and never pull out all your money. Again, this isn’t the time to stunt!

6. Water Bottle

Under no circumstances are you to drink the water in Ghana (or Mexico). It will be a reenactment of Sex And The City ala Charlotte’s shower scene if you do. Even though you can purchase bottled water from just about everywhere (even on the streets) having a bottle to put that water in is a great idea. I love Swell bottles because they keep liquids cold for 24 hours. But don’t be like me and leave your bottle at the airport. London got me!

7. Adapter & Power Strip

Do not forget this! Adapters will be overpriced at the airport and you will kick yourself in the butt for not bringing it. Ghana mirrors the UK in time and in electricity so you will need the three prong adapters. I found a power strip on Amazon because when I last traveled my husband and I fought over 2 adapters. This BESTEK International USB Travel Power Strip with 8 Conversion Plugs came in handy for sure.

8. Toiletries & Other Get Clean Stuff

Depending on where you are staying, of course, they will have towels but in some areas, they do not use washcloths or will have a slim quantity of them. So it’s best to pack 2-3 washcloths and a few towels just in case.

9. Fancy Luggage

Here’s where it’s ok to stunt with your fancy luggage. I’d recommend getting luggage that’s easily identifiable (read: ditch the black). For this trip, I sacrificed a few items because I over packed. I recommend bringing a large suitcase with all your wearables, a duffle bag with wheels with your toiletries, electronics and such and then bring your carry on near empty for all the goodies you’re bringing back for the fam. The airports internationally are pretty strict about their weight requirements so it’s a great idea to have a weight scale (like this one from Amazon) so that you know what you’re working with. 


There’s going to be a lot of “hurry up and wait” happening. The culture is different. Sometimes we forget that customer service is a privilege both in the states and otherwise. Don’t expect people to be kind all the time because they may not be. And when this happens (especially at the airport) its best to keep a cool head. Your frustration won’t get you far and it might get your bag mysteriously left behind. So smile, be pleasant, flirt a lot and be happy that you are on vacation.

Have you been to Ghana? What are some things you brought along that I might have missed?

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