3 Reasons You Should Tell Your Story To The World

The world needs to hear your story. That’s what everyone kept telling me. It was 2012 and my mother had been diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. Cancer felt like a death sentence. I walked through a range of emotions that, at the time, I thought would kill me in the end. I decided to document my experience with death and grief in my first book Things I Wish I Knew Before My Mom Diedbecause you know what…it didn’t kill me.

I learned that our experiences drive our human connection. Human connection completes us. Gives us a purpose. Sharing your story has so many benefits:

1. It’s Therapeutic

I never realized how insanely therapeutic talking through my story could be. Each time I tell it I become more aware of how far I’ve come. When I start with “I slept on couches when I first came to NY” or when I realize I’m saying “I did my first commercial” I’m wowed at my journey all over again.

2. It’s helping others

When I shared that a part of my journey included losing my mother, women who had been through the same experience began to reach out. I realized that it only takes one conversation with one woman to make them change their ideas on death and grief. Sharing my story gave them permission to live independently from that grief. Sharing our stories reminds us that it’s ok to live beyond that story and that story isn’t our only existence in the world.

3. It proves we are not alone.

Not only did I realize I was giving women permission to live independently but I was a constant reminder that they weren’t alone in this. When we are going through the fire it’s hard to see others on the sidelines cheering for us. It’s hard to see that we aren’t the only ones in this race.

So now that 2017 has arrived with a smooth urgency, it’s time that you share your story. Drop me a few lines in the comments section below and let me know what makes you great!

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