5 Ways You Can Look And Feel Your Best All Winter Long

I’ve lived on the East Coast all of my life and I’m a fall/winter baby (Scorpio!) so cold weather isn’t new to me (I secretly love it). With the exception of driving in the snow, it’s one of my favorite times of the year. But caring for your skin during the winter months in a cold-weather city like Baltimore can be tough. Here are some tips for looking and feeling your best throughout the holidays and all winter long:


When it comes to looking my best, I switch out everything to increase my moisture intake. That mean thicker creams, more facials, and longer retreat-worthy showers. My new love isOlay Moisture Ribbon Plus. Its rich moisturizing formula helps you not only overcome the harsh effects of winter but also cures my need for daily spa visits with its therapeutic scents, Honey and Lavender. If you could buy the air that they have in Heaven it would smell like this body wash. Most body washes force you into a multi-step skin care process. But with Olay Moisture Ribbon Plus there’s no need to follow up with a moisturizer after showering because it cleanses and moisturizes at the same time.

This is a much-needed game changer. Now instead of using a thousand products to keep my skin moisturized, I can spend more time in the shower singing holiday songs. Olay Ribbon Plus helps keep my skin looking fresh and healthy, despite any extra stress that may come up during these months.

This winter I’m joining the Winter Skin Challenge (you can follow along at #WinterSkinChallenge). It’s really simple, just use Olay Moisture Ribbon Plus to make your skin feel softer and more moisturized to fight that feeling of dry itchy skin and then share with the world!

Stay hydrated

The winter months can leave your skin super dehydrated, so it’s important to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. You also want to invest in a good quality skin moisturizer (insert Olay Moisture Ribbon Plus and save yourself some steps). With the colder weather, you should also keep your fluid intake up. Indulge in lots of hot tea, just don’t load it up with sugar.

Eat well

A healthy diet will keep people feeling good all winter long. The winter months are notorious with people reaching for comfort foods, but many of them can leave people feeling flat and packing on the pounds. Opt for healthy soups and tasty vegetable casseroles for comfort. When attending holiday parties, opt for trying to eating something before attending, to keep from filling up on all of the goodies sitting out. Rather than completely avoiding the goodies, stick to trying just a small portion so there are no regrets later.

Keep moving

Getting enough exercise will not only help keep you looking good, but it will help you feel great, too. Exercise releases endorphins, which naturally brings about a happy and positive feeling. Consistent exercise will also help to reduce those stress levels as they creep up around the holidays.


There may be parties and festivities to go to, but it’s important to get some downtime, too. This includes taking time to unwind, relax, and get enough sleep each night. This is the perfect time for you to take up yoga or meditation as a way to relax, lift the spirits, and get those happy hormones flowing.

There will a lot of holiday pictures taken, so you want to look your best. You also want to feel great when you are enjoying those festivities, too. It’s important to create a winter routine that will help care for and maintain your insides and out, so you look and feel great all winter long.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Olay. The opinions and text are all mine.


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