Gratitude Challenge Day 4: Gratitude Affirmations
Welcome to day 4 of the Gratitude Challenge. What was it like saying, “Thank you,” to so many people? How did it change the way you went through your day?
today’s Reflection:
Today we’re gonna discuss the important gratitude affirmations.
Gratitude affirmations go even beyond just saying, “Thank you,” to a person or journaling. They are active, positive, enthusiastic statements of gratitude to God or the universe or whatever it is that you believe in.
Gratitude affirmations are NOT based on you feeling grateful. That’s a key distinction. You are CHOOSING to be grateful for things, even if you don’t feel grateful.
There are two types of gratitude affirmations.
The first is when you’re grateful for the things you already have.
You AFFIRM that you have received an endless bounty of good things in your life and you give SPECIFIC thanks for all the blessings that you have received.
The second type of affirmation is future-oriented and is when you give thanks for all the good things you are GOING to receive.
Both types of affirmations are CRITICALLY important. The first helps you constantly be grateful in the moment for every good thing that flows into your life. The second helps you live in a state of grateful ANTICIPATION for all the good things that are coming your way.
today’s Action:
Today, you’re going to create both present gratitude affirmations and future gratitude affirmations.
When it comes to the present gratitude affirmation, you want to include as many things as you can think of to be grateful for.
Start your affirmation with, “I’m grateful for…” and then begin reciting the numerous things that fill your heart with overflowing gratitude. An example of a present gratitude affirmation is:
I’m so grateful for all the blessings I’ve received today. I’m grateful for my new job. I’m grateful for my friendships. I’m grateful for my children. I’m grateful for the delicious meal I ate last night. I’m grateful for the good night’s sleep I got. I’m grateful for this wonderful cup of tea I’m drinking.
If possible, try to say one gratitude affirmation every single day. This practice will help you further develop an attitude of constant gratitude.
When it comes to your future gratitude affirmation, think about all the good things that you want to come into your life. What are your hopes and dreams and desires? What do you think about all the time?
Use your future gratitude affirmation to give thanks that these things WILL come into your life. The simple reality is that you can manifest what you focus on.
The more you focus on the good things that will come to you, the more likely it is that you will ATTRACT them into your life.
An example of a future gratitude affirmation is:
I am grateful for the many blessings that are coming my way today, tomorrow, and every other day in the future. I receive them with open hands. I’m grateful for the physical and spiritual blessings. I’m grateful for the friendships I’ll enjoy and the food I’ll eat. I’m grateful for the money I’ll receive and the way that I’ll be able to use it to achieve much good. I’m grateful for all the good things that are in store for me.
You can make the affirmation as specific as you want. If you desire a new job, give thanks to the universe in very specific detail about the job you’re going to receive.
Gratitude Affirmations Worksheet
Tomorrow we’re gonna wrap up the challenge with the practice of ALWAYS finding something to be grateful for.
Be sure to tell me how today went for you by sharing on social media using the hashtag #SelfCareIRL and tagging me on IG @tyalexander.