Gratitude Challenge Day 5:

The Silver Lining

Welcome to day 5 of the Gratitude Challenge. Wow, you made it. Congrats! Aren’t you excited?

today’s Reflection:

Today we’re gonna talk about the power of ALWAYS being able to find something to be grateful for.

It may seem like a trite, cliché phrase, but there truly is ALWAYS a silver lining to every situation. In every situation, there is something to be grateful for. Yes, even the hard, challenging situations.

The ability to be grateful for things even in the midst of difficult situations is what sets apart the most grateful people from everyone else.

And the truth is, when you’re constantly looking for the good in every situation, it completely changes how you experience each situation. Suddenly, everything is not a doom and gloom kinda moment.

You’re able to see that, even in the midst of difficulty, there is good!

If you want to grow into a truly, overwhelmingly grateful person, this is the last skill you must master. You must learn the fine art of seeing good things in every situation you encounter. 

Rabbi Harold Kushner said:

If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.

today’s Action:

Think about a difficult situation you’re currently experiencing.

Now, sit down in a quiet place with a piece of paper and answer all the following questions below regarding that situation:

  • What valuable lesson can I learn from this situation?

  • What good thing can come out of this challenge?

  • How can this difficulty actually make me a better person?

  • In five years, how will I look back on this situation?

Don’t rush this.

Take a good amount of time today and deeply reflect on each question. I think you’ll find that the more time you give to answering each question, the more you’ll find your heart welling up with gratitude.

You’ll also begin to see that in EVERY situation, there is something good you can take from it!

Now repeat this process for another difficult situation you’re facing. How does walking through these questions change your perspective on the entire situation?

  • Was it hard for you to find good in the midst of your difficulties?

  • What is one good thing you were able to take from your most difficult situation?

Be sure to tell me how today went for you by sharing on social media using the hashtag #SelfCareIRL and tagging me on IG @tyalexander.