Umm So Yea… That Was Me You Saw In CVS

I am legit pinching myself right now. Do y’all freaking see this? I am on an AD. And this ad is all up in through your local CVS stores. *GASP*

So let’s rewind…

Back in April, I got an email from a company I had never heard of. And email that I almost ignored. You can imagine I get a lot of requests from companies who love my brand (especially my branded/sponsored content, I might teach a class one day) and want to work with me. The problem is they usually have little to no budget. And I honestly would do this for free because like in real life… I’m having THE TIME OF MY LIFE. However, this is my full-time job (and my only job) so I just cannot. #AllChecksMatter

So some of those emails get ignored because… Rent, ConEd, National Grid, Optimum… they all went their coins and on time! And I just became a sneakerhead. So there’s all of that!

I was chatting with a more veteran blogger about all these countless emails that end with ZERO dollars in my pockets but manage to waste all of my time. She made a really good point. What if you ignore an email that is actually a great opportunity?! Ding ding ding. She was right and I was being petty by letting them slide into that spam folder.

So that night I checked my email, thoroughly, and replied to each one with a “thank you for contacting me” message and I attached my media kit and rate card.

That was me getting out of my own way!

A week later and I am flying down to Chicago to shoot THE biggest campaign of my life. And by biggest I mean, umm so yea… that was actually me you saw in your local CVS store!

A few of you guys were all in my DMs like, “I think I saw you in CVS on an ad” or “There’s an ad of a girl who looks just like you, grey hair and all!” I giggled because I knew it was me. But with all that is going on (you know I wrote a book right), I completely forgot that the campaign was actually gonna be in the stores. I had a bunch of other deliverables and no one ever talks about how much time goes into a sponsored post so I hadn’t really given myself permission to get excited. But YO!!!!

I am excited now!

I walked into the CVS today and screamed loudly. For like 75 seconds. Like yo, that’s me! Like it’s actually me! Like BRUH! Pinch me, please!

The campaign, “A Lifetime of Beautiful Eyes”, celebrates how eyes are our most beautiful feature so keeping them healthy/happy help people feel and look their best.

That eyebrow stays woke though, LOL. Also, I hate not smiling and I kinda miss my long hair. Anyways!

The shoot was amazeballs. On set I met Beth and Naty who are both just sweethearts. Naty and I are planning on being friends soon as we sit down from traveling. And if my relationship fails (sike though), I will marry one of Beth’s handsome sons, and well you know the rest (but sike for reals).

So the moral of the story: Answer your emails!


My Trip to Belize in 5 Minutes [VIDEO]


How to Fall Back in Love With Your Contacts!