The Reason Why I Am Hyperaware of My Health

I won’t lie to you. After my mother died I became hyperaware of every part of my body. When the pain comes, I do not hesitate to make all the appointments at all the doctors. But growing up we were not the family who ran to the doctors when something was wrong. Mainly because we were built from the old school thought that “drink some ginger ale and go lay down” would cure it all. Honestly, as a descendant of slaves (the road my father grew up on was acres of land that was gifted to them by their masters) I completely understand the caution and disparity in people of color visiting the doctors and hospitals.

But it’s 2020. And if there is anything I learned from my mother’s stage 4 cancer diagnosis, it’s that early detection is best. I know that a lot of my family members had diabetes so I’ve been taking the necessary precautions to stay ahead of my genes.

I’m pretty good about getting my annual check-ups but my ophthalmologist and I are pretty much best friends. My vision has always been bad. I was the kid with the strap wrapped around her neck so she wouldn’t lose her glasses. And now that I am 43 my vision is getting worse. They say I can blame age but sheesh! I was finding myself holding things far away, squinting to get things in focus even with my glasses on and let’s not talk about what the street lights do to my eyes at night.

You may not know this, because I surely didn’t, but nearly half of people living with diabetes can develop an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy or DR. DR can lead to severe vision loss and even blindness. The good news is, vision loss can be managed if caught early and appropriately treated.

So whether he likes it or not, my ophthalmologist and I will remain best friends. I will head to the doctors whenever something isn’t right. My vision is just too important to lose. It’s what keeps me creative. So naturally, I regularly get my eyes checked.

You guys know I want the best for you to so head over to to learn more about the importance of regular eye exams and how to help make sure your diabetes doesn’t lead to vision loss.

Disclosure: While this post is sponsored by Regeneron, you beauties know that all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make my blog possible!


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