The Best Foundations For Women Of Color

Finding the right foundation for dark skin can be tricky. Too dark and you look like you’re auditioning for RuPaul’s Drag Race, too light and you’ve earned a starring role at your local funeral parlor.

Our major challenge as women of color is finding a brand that has yellow, olive, or caramel tones. But beyond picking the right hue for your face there are a few other factors that you need to consider before purchasing a foundation.

Research the brands.

From consumer comments to beauty blogger reviews, someone has already done the work for you. Google the brand and the product name and chances are you will find all the answers to your questions and a few answers you weren’t even thinking of. If you’re lucky you’ll even find a YouTube video.

Choose 2-3 shades that are close to your skin tone.

Test the makeup above your jawline on your clean dry skin. Evaluate if the color matches in the mirror. The color should blend with your natural skin tone. Make sure you do not see a big line of demarcation, which is indicative of a poor match. If you do not think you have a good match, continue testing shades until you find a suitable color.

Take your besties with you.

We all love those sales girls but they are… sales girls. They have a goal to meet and commission to make. Their opinion could be biased. So treat your best girlfriend to an afternoon snack or a late dinner and spend the day shopping for a new foundation.

Ask for a sample.

Don’t feel pressured to buy something that day. Ask the beauty consultant to write down the color you decided you liked the best. Don’t be afraid to ask for a sample. Wear the foundation home, and see how you like it outside in natural light and what it does after it completely dries. Some foundation will oxidize. Which basically means that the chemicals are still working once oxygen hits them.

Follow those four steps and I guarantee you’ll have flawless looking skin. Also remember: your shade could change with the seasons (or a good vacation), so come summer or winter you’ll be back at it again.

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