How I’m Using My Platform to Help Empower Women

At the top of the year, I promised myself I would do more than just talk about what shade of red lipstick works for you or how to draw a straight line across your eyeballs. I needed a passion project. So I created a social wellness community called Destination Heal.

Originally it was a place for me to constantly plug my book. But once the word got out about our much-needed wellness tribe it became so much more. It’s a safe place for women (specifically women of color) to share their voices around mental health and emotional intelligence. Two things our culture is never empowered to speak openly about.

In general, women of color are one of the largest underrepresented voices in the world. And because there’s such a stigma around Black women and mental health I wanted to be a vessel of change and empower their voices. 

How I’m using my platform to help underrepresented voices

Many people don’t realize how empowered you become when you empower others. I spend most of my days online chatting to women about grief, relationships, and friendships. I give them daily affirmations as a reminder of how great they already are. I’ve become a life coach of sorts. Someone asked me a few months ago how do I know all of this great advice I am giving. Where am I getting it from? And the answer was really easy for me. It’s all the things I would want someone to tell me. I learned early on that feeling empowered starts with our self-talk.

Because excellence is a learned habit I am not the only coach in our community. Whenever someone has a struggle in our group other women comment and offer solutions as well. It feels so good to pass the baton to another woman. Empowerment is important for our own healing.

This weekend was the inaugural event for Destination Heal. After our event, we all took Ubers to enjoy some much-needed R&R at our host hotel. Uber is one of those brands who also gets the importance of empowering the voices of women of color. Like me, Uber is committed to being a positive change in our culture. They are on a mission to elevate diverse communities and underrepresented voices through groups like Women of Uber and UberHUE. Women of Uber is an amazing program that I feel personally connected to. Not only does this program promote the advancement of women who work for Uber but the program also accelerates professional development which we know is so needed for women in the workplace. I love that they are making sure that all voices are heard!

Now it’s your turn. How are you leading the charge in your community to empower people? Leave your comment below.

Disclosure: While this post is sponsored by Uber, you beauties know that all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make my blog possible!


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