The 5 Super-Uber Annoying Things About Your Blog

I seriously laughed out loud and instantly wanted to chime in after reading a post by Beautifully Invisible from a couple of weeks ago entitled ‘The 10 things that drive me crazy about your blog.’

I thought it was amazingly witty and quite humorous. But more importantly, absolutely freaking true! Sure every “professional blogger” has posted a “how-to” of some sort, but there’s no exact science about how to blog or how to blog without pissing off one of your readers.

So as a sometimes pissed-off-blog-reader here’s my list of 5 super-uber annoying things about your blog (in no particular order). All five equally annoy the ish out of me! Laugh with me, please…

1. Links open in the same window: This may seem like a small thing. But oftentimes I click on the link to read and immediately hit the “X” once I am done reading. By default. And then POOF your blog is gone. In most cases of course I remember what blog I was reading. But say I am reading your post from last month. I have to go back click here and here and there just to get back to where I was. Now, I am completely over you and your blog. I kid (a little).

2. Images + One Sentence = Not a great blogger: With the exception of a street style blog, this is way way beyond annoying. Tumblr or Instagram is a perfect platform for this type of thing. I use Instagram for those times I don’t have time to write but I love the image and feel the need to share with my readers. You should probably move your blog over to Tumblr, but I’ll quickly forgive if it’s amazing imagery.

3. Say Word! Just words: We know that blogging originally began as an online journal and we all should be reading now so that we won’t have Alzheimer’s when we get older. But I, along with more than 75% of the blogging community, have A.D.D. So an occasional picture of anything is totally necessary.

4. Homonyms: I know you remember this from elementary school. There vs they’re vs their. Oh…and two vs too vs to. How about where vs wear. And more complicated ones like site vs sight. All of these are signs that you didn’t proofread or spell-check. Or maybe you’re just not that familiar with the English language and therefore should not be blogging!? #IJS

5. Copy and Paste Bloggers: I gave you an affectionate name because I still love you. In some instances, this happens at the beginning of our blogging journey when we’re just all over the place. Not really sure what we want to focus on but know we love EVERYTHING! Even though someone else has already posted it. But then there are those who make it their business to grab content (continuously) from another blog. Usually, a blog that everyone else reads #EPICFAIL. Perhaps all of your readers haven’t caught on–but we have.

Hopefully, I didn’t piss anyone off (too badly) but if I did it was just for sh*ts & giggles sooooo kindly just laugh and comment below!


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