The Weekend That Completely Changed My Life

Although my lifestyle usually dictates that I’m in New York, my residence is still in Maryland. Often times I even miss out on opportunities because I can’t make the 4-hour bus ride in time (a few hundred dollars gets me an hour via plane if I’m fancy). I’ve been plotting my move to the Big Apple for the past year but I have let the fear of change and the uncertain rule my life. Everyone that I’ve talked to about my move all suggest that I just pack up a few belongs put the rest in storage and just couch it out until I get a job and find my way. Is anyone else cringing at the thought of this? I mean, I am not in my 20’s anymore and stability is more attractive the older I get. But does that trump the passion I have for writing about fashion and beauty? Nope.  Let’s rewind to Friday shall we?

I had the opportunity to work with Stacy London (from TLC’s What Not To Wear) on her upcoming book. My experience is the inspiration for this blog post title. First, let me admit that I’m a fan of Stacy London but I haven’t watched her show in years. Mainly because I am strapped for cash and cable was the first thing to go.

So naturally I was excited about the opportunity but it hadn’t really hit me when I got there. I spent the better half of the day trying on amazing brands that I’m familiar with but can’t afford right now. Even when Stacy arrived it was surreal. Stacy asked me questions about my wardrobe and my life in general. I tried to put my normal protective shell up but she dug right into it and the tears came.

I can’t even remember what she said. It was just the encouragement in her eyes. Or maybe it was the “you can do it” tone in her voice. The more Stacy talked to me the more I knew I had to get off my booty and make some things happen.

Being selected for her project was just confirmation that I have a voice and it needs to be heard. I mean I’m a star!

Back to today.

After submitting my resume for the past 9 months to tons of publications and websites for editor positions I had given up. I said to myself, maybe this isn’t my journey. I met with my mastermind team (my good girlfriends – Bethany and BJ) and I pushed the reset button. I’m kicking fear in the butt and vowing never to turn back again.

Here are a few steps I’m gonna take that I know will get me a little closer to the BIG APPLE:

Save $2500.

Shame on me for not having anything in my savings but it is what it is. No more HH unless you’re buying lol. After I’ve saved $2500+ I swear to pack my bags and run to the nearest MegaBus stop and head to the Big Apple.

Write Write Write!

I think Hemingway says it best. “I hate writing but I have loved having written something”. One of my biggest issues (outside of fear) is procrastination. I love reading my blog. I love when you read my blog (I love comments even more) But when I get home from work after a long day I can’t even see straight, let alone think of great original content to share. So I’m going to journal more. Jot down ideas, funny quotes I hear – anything that sparks my creativity. Bottom line is that I’m not gonna get those freelance jobs that I desire if my content here (and on the websites that I contribute to) is weak.

Attend at least 3 events a month and make at least 3 new connections.

Whoever thinks that just your talent is going to catapult you into the life you dream of is totally lying to you. It has been and always will be about who you know. Or who you don’t know in my case.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Honda via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Honda.


Stacy London “The Truth About Style”, Book Trailer (see me for 4 seconds, LOL)


The 5 Super-Uber Annoying Things About Your Blog