I Wrote A Book. And I Am Scared AF!

SO! Let me catch you up on life (mine to be exact).

After 3 years of receiving an overwhelming number of emails from women who had also lost their mothers to cancer I decided to write a book about my experience with [my] grief. Mainly because I was exhausting my sanity trying to answer all the questions I was getting from you guys. I figured if I wrote a memoir laced with tips on grieving that maybe, just maybe, I’d be kinda ready when I was approached about the subject.

I’ve wanted to be author since…forever. I can remember having fake book readings with my Barbie’s on my bedroom floor. And for the longest time, writing this book was just something I had told my good girlfriends I was “GOING TO DO”. You know, I’m going to travel more, I’m going to lose these 40 pounds magically…the usual “yea ok, sure” thoughts of our lives. God had a bigger plan for me and at the end of 2015 a publishing company reached out to me. Because God knew I was not going to get this done any other way.

What you don’t know is that…

I’m terrified of EVERYTHING. EVERY DAY.

My mother was my rock. I ran everything past her. Even if I didn’t do what she suggested (and most times I didn’t), she was the person I bounced my big dreams off of. She was the one who believed in me the most. No matter how bold and audacious my dreams were, she knew I could do it. I never knew exactly how much I needed that reassurance.

So what exactly am I terrified of?

You know what…I’m terrified that no one will like my book. That no one will buy it. I am terrified that no one will show up to my book tour (maybe I should start a GoFundMe because…#SponsorsWhereYallAt). I am terrified at the idea of moving forward in my career without my mother’s advice. But most importantly I am terrified of having all these goals and ideas and not acting on them. So that’s what keeps me going!

So 6 months after signing a two-book deal my first book is finally done. It’s why I have been MIA…on everything. Friends. Fun. You! I’ve sacrificed every piece of my life and now I am finally finished (for now, I’ll be starting book #2 soon).

Because I love you like fresh warm buttered biscuits (damn I want some now) I have a treat for you. I know that you’re gonna order my book anyways (<—- hint, hint, go order if you haven’t) but here’s my first chapter for FREE.

download now!

Feel free to skim read or fully read at your leisure! All I ask is that you offer up 140 characters of your first impression via Twitter using the hashtag #ThingsIWishIKnew or write a customer review on Amazon!

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