The Longest Zipline Over Water & This Is Us Screaming Like Bi*ches The Whole Time [VIDEO]


For our holiday vacation last year my fiance’s family and I went on a Royal Caribbean cruise. Holidays for me are usually super depressing for me (my mom died in case you’re new to my blog) and I never want to do anything. But my fiance convinced me a cruise was a good idea. I contacted Royal Caribbean and they hooked us up. Literally! Free wifi and a room credit for $300 which we used for excursions. One of them was ziplining in Haiti. 

I ain’t gonna even lie. I was scared AF. I almost peed my pants two times and I am pretty sure I damaged my lady parts trying to exit the course. But after I stopped screaming, I realized how cool it was and now I want to do everything. AND, I am so proud of myself for checking this off my bucket list.

If you are ever on the Royal Caribbean’s Anthem of The Seas you have to do the Dragon’s Breath Flight. It’s the longest zipline across the water in the world. Y’all know I feel super accomplished now.

Watch me screaming and whatnot along the waves!

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