How you can learn the art of surrender + welcome peace daily


I think for a lot of us, “surrender” is synonymous with giving up or conceding defeat. But I’ve discovered that surrendering can offer an invitation to embrace life more fully and it depends my trust and awakens my sense of acceptance. Now y’all know that I love the duality of things so I will also acknowledge that surrender means different things to each of us. It might mean letting go or it might mean staying open. Surrender can be as simple as us being asked to relax more into the moment.

There is an extreme beauty in practicing surrender. It can become a path to lightness, joy, and gratitude in our hearts. But how do we practice surrender? It can be scary. It is the opposite of what we are consistently trying to do: be in control. In this episode, we are going to discuss some ways you can let grace infuse your way of thinking and how we can take a small step to begin to shift our orientation toward surrender.

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