Ways to release the “strong friend” behavior


We all have that strong friend. They’re the ones who make it their job to show up. Hell, you may even be the strong friend. I know I am. I will get my hands dirty for you. I will text a friend to say I’m thinking of them. I’ll call my best friends and see how they’re really doing. Therapy has taught me that I’m essentially mimicking how I want people to show up for me instead of voicing how I would like support.

I’ve heard a lot of people say they have a lot going on and don’t have time to check in on people. Take a look outside right now… we’re all busy. This isn’t the struggle Olympics and your busy isn’t any more important than my busy.

In this episode, we’re going to talk about a few really powerful reasons you should check in on your strong friends and ways to release your “strong friend” behavior (if that’s you).

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Reading from my book, Chapter 3: The Art Of Losing


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