How To Have A Relationship (Or Not) With Your Emotionally Immature Friend


So, here's the deal. You've got this friend, right? Super fun in some ways, but, oh boy, when it comes to emotional maturity, they're more kiddie pool than deep end. We've all been there – that friend who can make you laugh until your sides hurt, but then in the next breath, they're throwing a tantrum over something super small. It's like riding a rollercoaster without the safety bar. Exciting, sure, but also kind of terrifying.

Now, navigating this friendship is like walking through a minefield while blindfolded. You care about them – that's why you're friends in the first place – but sometimes, their lack of emotional maturity can leave you feeling more like a babysitter than a friend. You don't want to ditch them because, deep down, they're a good person. But at the same time, you can't keep getting sucked into their drama.

That's where I come in. In today's episode you and I going to dive into how to handle this with the grace. From setting boundaries to understanding when to take a step back, I’ve got you covered. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let's chat about how to deal with this in the best way possible.


How to have a relationship with a toxic parent


IDK who needs to hear this but... (part 2)