How To Manage Your Mental Chatter


We all have this constant companion that never shuts up. The mental chatter in our heads starts from the time we wake up and carries on until we eventually fall to sleep. And not surprisingly, our mind is even active during our dreams. When I was resting in December, I noticed how loud the mental chatter can be. If this is something you struggle with too, here are some ways you can manage it.

1. Recognize that our brains make noise

Our brains can be taught to calm down, but they will always make noise. It is the nature of our brains to make noise that only we can hear!

2. Maintain some distance from our mental chatter

Learn that you don’t always have to engage with those thoughts. The noise doesn’t have to control or affect you. Let the noise pass on by. You don’t have to grab them and run with them. This will free you from the cycle of worry.

3. Meditate daily

I have a really hard time keeping my mind quiet. I first learned this when I started meditating. Meditation really teaches you just how noisy your mind can be. Guided meditation helps give my mind gentle reminders to quiet down and keep on track. This will allow you to practice bringing your mind back to focus.

4. Use affirmations

I pray that you find the power of affirmations in 2022. (Join our Patreon here to get Daily Pep Talks sent to your phone from yours truly.) When negative thoughts appear, recite out loud your positive affirmations. You’ll be surprised at the results.

5. Listen to the chatter

Sometimes the chatter is trying to tell you something that you need to hear. If there are some on repeat that feel like they might be things you need to address… write it down. Do something about that noise.

6. Avoid judging

A lot of the noise we hear comes from our constant need to judge everyone and everything. Our minds have so much unnecessary commentary. You can acknowledge things for what they are without judging the moment. Just give it a try. The less you judge, the less you’ll be concerned about being judged.

7. Journaling

This is the most important habit that anyone can do at any age. After my journaling sessions, it feels like my brain resets itself. It gets everything out and quiets my brain. Set aside 10-20 minutes each day— set an alarm if you have to— and make it a priority. Let your mind run wild with your pen and your paper.

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