Listen to this to get better at manifesting your dreams


At the top of the 2022 I decided to dream just a bit. I wrote down all of the locations/venues/people I wanted to deejay for or at. I wrote down every person, place, or thing I could think of that might one day need a DJ. I wrote my DJ bucket list in the middle of my To Do Journal.

And even though I had to thumb past these two sheets of my dreams in order to get to my To Do lists, I still somehow managed to ignore them daily. So then I bought a new iPad (new electronics are my vice) and started looking for a digital planner-situation. I looked on ETSY, I googled, I youtubed… and nothing.

So I designed one.

I first started with just blank pages (some of you have that free version). I just needed a place to dump my goals. I needed to see “Apple Music” written out. I needed to see “NYFW” written out. I needed to see “Target” written out. Because it’s one thing to think about your goals but it’s another thing to see them. Like actually visualize them. I’ve gone back and made the Make It Happen journal a bit more robust because I also needed to dump my fears, my intentions, and then actually commit to this.

Tune into the full episode to hear exactly how I crossed “Apple Music,” “NYFW,” and “Target” from my goals list.


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