LIVE Podcast EP1: Where the Healing Resides


I’m back with more podcast episodes for you in 2021. I kicked things off with a LIVE podcast event where I spoke with Kobe Campbell, a trauma therapist and host of The Healing Circle Podcast.

We spoke all about how to avoid ghosting someone, how to understand and heal from past trauma, and how to effectively set and maintain boundaries. For those of you who were able to join live, you know it was a good one. So much so this podcast will be one you bookmark so that you can listen back over and over. The gems Kobe laid down… incredibly valuable.

Below are just a few of the wise pearls Kobe laced us with:

Understanding your trauma

  • When we experience a trauma, we begin to believe it is a reflection of us and it becomes a negative core belief.

  • “The way we show up in our lives are just eloquently strung together trauma responses. If we don’t do the work of figuring out what our negative core beliefs are, we’re gonna think this is our personality, but really this is our constant defense mechanism. And under all of that is a person.” -Kobe

Unpacking your negative core beliefs

    • Know what your trauma is.

    • Notice what patterns are popping up. Are you constantly finding yourself in certain situations?

    • "When we don’t properly deal with our trauma, we perpetuate the same trauma we're trying to protect ourselves from." -Kobe

Processing on your own

  • We talk about how in certain situations, the person you need to work through a trauma with isn’t in a space to be able to process trauma. And you have to do that work on your own.

  • We talk about letting go of the need to perform to be seen. This is hard to do because some of our trauma is actually the need to perform.

Maintaining your boundaries

  • API: Assume Positive Intent. Making accusatory comments is not a healthy way to start this conversation. Try starting with, "I know you may not have meant..."

  • Communicate what you're feeling as you feel it. You can't tell a person they've had their third strike when you didn't vocalize strikes one and two. Give them the opportunity to adjust.

  • Listen to episode 11 of Self Care IRL on boundaries here.

Recovering from grief

  • I talk about the trauma of losing my mother and how I learned that grief is different for everyone, but that the universal truth of it is that you decide when, how, and IF you heal.

  • Kobe talks about the important of understanding when to push yourself and discusses her own journey in grief after a miscarriage.

  • Listen to episode 15 of Self Care IRL on grief recovery here.

I hope you enjoyed this LIVE episode of Self Care IRL. Sign up for my weekly love letter emails here to get notified when the next LIVE podcast event will be (they’re free, for now!)

Please do me a favor and submit a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Also be sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you can be the first to get new episodes. And I’d like to encourage you to share this episode on IG stories, Twitter, Facebook. Make sure you tag me, I am @tyalexander on IG and @lovetyalexander on Twitter. Just share it, girl!

If you want more mic-drop moments from Kobe that you can share on social media, check out this blog post…

7 Mic-Drop Moments from Trauma Therapist Kobe Campbell

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